Plasmatique Cold Plasma | Face vital skin care devices
جهاز البلازما الباردة
Plasmatique Cold Plasma | Face vital skin care devices
Plasmatique Cold Plasma effects video | Face vital skin care devices
جهاز البلازما الباردة

جهاز البلازما الباردة

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أحدث الابتكارات في قطاع البلازما - متاحة للطلب قريبًا

1 وحدة تحكم ذكية لمشاكل الجلد

◼ الحد الأقصى لسعة الإخراج: 13,000 ~ 15,000 فولت

◼ الوضع: بلازما الأوزون المستمرة والآمنة للنبض مع فلتر الأوزون (0.05 جزء في المليون)

2 طرف بلازما باردة شبه دائمة

يجب تغيير نصيحة الجهاز الأخرى بانتظام. لكن نصيحة بلازما شبه دائمة، لذا لا تحتاج إلى تغييرها بانتظام.

3 بلازما الأوزون الآمنة مع فلتر الأوزون

وضعت إدارة الغذاء والدواء حدًا للأوزون بأقل من 0.05 جزء في المليون في أي وقت. أجهزة البلازما الباردة الأخرى لا تهتم بها، ولكننا نعتني بعملائنا، لذلك سيتم التحكم في "الأوزون" بأقل من 0.05 جزء في المليون باستخدام مرشح الأوزون.

آثار العلاج بالبلازما الباردة

➊ يصفي لون البشرة ويساعد على تبييضها ويخفف التصبغات.

➋ يعمل على زيادة الخلايا الليفية ويساعد على تصنيع البروتين والكولاجين لجعل الجلد أكثر مرونة وصحة.

➌ يخفف التهابات الجلد البكتيرية المختلفة ويساعد على استعادة الجلد الطبيعي.

➍ إنه ممتاز لإدارة الالتهابات، لذلك فهو يساعد في علاج مشاكل الجلد مثل إرهاق فروة الرأس، وقدم الرياضي، والأكزيما، وما إلى ذلك.

➎ يجعل البشرة التي تعاني من مشاكل تتعلق بخلايا الجلد الميتة مثل الصدفية الكيراتينية السميكة نظيفة وناعمة.

➏ يعمل على تضييق المسام الواسعة لزيادة مرونة الجلد.

➐ تأثير فوري بعد العلاج.

➑ قد يتم تمديد فترة التحسن بعد العلاج أو سحبها بشكل مناسب اعتمادًا على دورة التجديد التي يتم أخذها بعين الاعتبار لعمر حالة الجلد.

==> مزيد من المعلومات قريبا

Effects of Cold Plasma Treatment

➊ Clears skin tone, helps whitening, and relieves pigmentation.

➋ It increases fibroblasts and helps synthesize protein and collagen to make the skin more elastic and healthier.

➌ It relieves inflammation of various bacterial skin and helps restore normal skin.

  • Relieves inflammation & rids various bacteria
  • Exfoliation & resurfaces
  • Treats acne, Eczema, psoriasis & dermatitis

➍ It is excellent for managing inflammation, so it helps with skin problems such as scalp fatigue, athlete's foot, eczema, etc.

➎ It makes the skin with problems related to dead skin cell such as thick keratin psoriasis clean and soft.

➏ It tightens the loose pores to increase the elasticity of the skin.

➐ Immediate effect after treatment.

➑ The post-treatment improvement period may be appropriatel extended or pulled depending on the regeneration cycle considered for the age of the skin condition



English Manual --> Open PDF file



English Manual --> Open PDF file


1. Main Body
2. Handpiece
3. Power Cable
4. Power Adapter
5. Manual








What is Plasma?

Plasma is often called “the fourth state of matter,” along with solid, liquid and gas. Just as a liquid will boil, changing into a gas when energy is added, heating a gas will form a plasma – a soup of positively charged particles (ions) and negatively charged particles (electrons).


Where can I get a treatment with the PLASMATIQUE?

  • Contact your local esthetician.
  • Use our spa locator to inquire with one of our trusted partners.


Who should use the PLASMATIQUE device?

Only qualified and experienced estheticians are authorized to operate this device. However, if you are willing to acquire knowledge on emerging technologies and strictly adhere to the instructions outlined in the user's manual, you may purchase and utilize the device in the comfort of your own home at your own risk. FACE VITAL assumes no responsibility for any misuse or other complications arising from improper use of the device.

Is the PLASMATIQUE designed for at home use?

No. The PLASMATIQUE is designed for use by licensed, professional estheticians ONLY.

Where can I get more information on using the PLASMATIQUE?

Contact us at:

Do any parts of the device need to be replaced regularly with NORMAL USE?

Yes, the Ozone Filter should be replaced every 6 months.

What is the average treatment time?

Approximately 10 minutes.

How many treatments are required before the client sees improvement?

The number of treatments required may vary depending on the client's skin condition, their individual reaction to the treatment, skin elasticity, and degree of skin regeneration. (Use your professional discretion).

Can my client go to the sauna directly after a PLASMATIQUE treatment?

No. The manufacturer advises that clients should not use the sauna for 3 - 5 days after their treatment.


  1. On the ears, eyes, and external genitalia
  2. During menstruation or pregnancy.
  3. On clients with malignant skin tumors, epilepsy, mental illness, diabetes, heart disease, hypertensive glaucoma, auto-immune diseases, or any other serious chronic illness
  4. On clients with electronic devices implanted in the body such as hearing aids or pacemakers, 
  5. On clients with open and ongoing skin lesions, infectious skin lesions or infectious dermatitis
  6. On clients with severe irritant, extreme allergies (to cold and hot) or with allergies to electrical currents
  7. On clients taking anti-hypertensive medications for acute dermatitis
  8. On clients using psychotropic medications for a long time.
  9. On children under 12 years of age
  10. On metal, plastic or silicon surfaces
  11. Clients who have been severely exposed to the sun within the last 2 or 3 weeks should avoid treatment.

What serums can I use with PLASMATIQUE?

We recommend these 2 serums available in our shop:


Furthermore we also recommend using the Plaxpot Regenerating Cream after each treatment.

What do I do if my PLASMATIQUE is defective?

The warranty period for the Plasmatique device is 12 months. We would like to inform you that at Face Vital, we are committed to providing assistance and support in the event of any issues with our products, including the Plasmatique.

For proper usage and initial troubleshooting, we kindly request that you refer to the user's manual. Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Face Vital. If the issue cannot be resolved, we will provide you with detailed instructions for the warranty process.

In the event that the Plasmatique device malfunctions after the warranty period, our manufacturer offers a paid repair service. Please contact us for further instructions.

As an additional service provided by FACE VITAL LLC, we will directly liaise with the manufacturer on your behalf once we receive the faulty device.


What is your return policy?

Please be advised that we provide a 14-day period for returns. It is imperative that you adhere to all specifications and protocols outlined in our refund and return policy, which can be found at the following link: .



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